A Former Foreign Service Officer Writes On Huma Abedin And Joseph McCarthy

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: James Fulford’s Column: Michele Bachmann Is Right. The GOP Leadership Are Wimps. Ed Rollins Is A Weasel.

From: Vincent Chiarello

One would have to be blind and mute not to recognize the willful ignorance on the part of the current political leadership of the GOP to rationalize and/or deny the existence of a serious (mortal?) threat to this country’s national security that Islam presents. A Romney victory may make a slight improvement in correcting this defect, but if anyone thinks that there will be a policy reversal of such stupidity, they should think again.

For many years I labored along with colleagues at the American Council for Immigration Reform in trying to present an adequate and accurate picture to state and federal legislators of the national security dangers posed not only by illegal immigration, but the evidence that Muslims, acting as Mexicans, were crossing the border and gaining a foothold in these United States.

When last I checked, Tucson, Arizona, had two or three mosques, a "parishioner" of one(Wadih el-Hage) participating in the 9/11 tragedy. But this is not my purpose in writing, … the late Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy is.

I wish to thank you for your robust defense of the late Sen. McCarthy’s reputation, which was so well defended by M. Stanton Evans in his book about McCarthy: Blacklisted by History. Few have ever made reference to that book, for any attempt by a congressman or senator to place McCarthy and his hearings in proper perspective (and you are quite right: confusion abounds concerning the scope of HUAC’s mandate, and that of the late Senator from Wisconsin) is immediately considered suspicious, and dropped.

McCarthy’s Senate Internal Investigative Committee did not happen overnight, but it was the result of a long time refusal by the Truman Administration and the Dept. of State to deal with serious national security concerns — in this case, Soviet penetration of the US government. What McCarthy did was to shine a light where no light had ever been seen before, and for that, "the king must die." Sixty years later, there appears to be no one in the GOP who, like McCarthy, is willing to call attention to the threat that exists. It is more than political correctness that reigns; it is cowardice that rules.

There is an unexpected symmetry in all this. One of those journalists who has had the gumption to bring up the case of Huma Abedin is another McCarthy … Andrew. [See Huma Abedin’s Brotherhood Ties Are Not Just a Family Affair, PJMediacom, July 27, 2012.] The spirit of Sen. McCarthy will not rest.

See previous letters from Vincent Chiarello.

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