A Genuine Tennessean Copies Us On Letter To Knoxville NEWS-SENTINEL About "East Tennessean" [=Asian Immigrant] Who Sold Secrets To China

By VDARE.com Reader


RE: Feds: TVA executive traded nuclear information for cash in Chinese espionage case, By Jamie Satterfield, Knoxville News Sentinel, April 14, 2016

From: Kit Brewer

To: Jamie Satterfield, KnoxNews.com


Ms. Satterfield: Your story says

An East Tennessean who served as a senior manager in the Tennessee Valley Authority’s nuclear program swapped information with one of China’s top nuclear power companies in exchange for cash, according to federal court records unsealed Thursday.
Really? An "East Tennessean" sold our nuclear technology to the Chinese?

How about "A Chinese immigrant who became a U.S. citizen in 1990" sold our nuclear technology to the Chinese?

A naturalized citizen of an extremely small minority commits treason against the United States and you refer to him in your lead as "an East Tennessean" — implying that he’s no more likely to commit treason than Joe Stooksbury next door who was born at Fort Sanders Hospital and graduated Clinton High School in 1982?

You buried this in the 5th graph! Is this PC garbage your doing or do I credit that little gnome Jack McElroy? [Editor of the News-Sentinel — email him.]

In case you haven’t noticed, keeping America safe from immigrant spies and terrorists has been sort of a hot topic this election year. You owe it to your readers not to hide such a key fact until the 5th graph. Pathetic!

See previous letters from Kit Brewer, a genuine Tennessean.

By James Fulford writes: Even when Jamie Satterfield’s story reveals the accused’s immigration status, she does so without using the word immigrant.

“Among the six unidentified American co-conspirators listed in the indictment is a person labeled "U.S. Person 1," described as the TVA senior manager for the probabilistic risk assessment in the Nuclear Power Group from April 2010 to September 2014. The TVA executive was born in Taiwan and became a naturalized citizen in 1990, according to the indictment.”

I can’t tell if the avoidance of the actual word “immigrant” is a rule, or subconscious, but I can tell you that if the unnamed TVA executive was whining to the News-Sentinel about being refused a promotion, he/she would be an immigrant in the headline.

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