[Previous Letter: A Dubious Midwestern Reader Wonders If An Earlier Letter Writer Was A Liberal In Disguise — We Explain About Neoconservatives ]
From: "An Indian-American Reader"
I just read James Fulford’s response to the reader letter suspecting if an earlier letter was written by a faux conservative. In it, the link leading to Ramesh Ponnuru’s vitriolic polemic against Pat is typical of many upper-caste — Savarnaa, or the "Golden Ones" — Indians. [See A Conservative No More | The tribal politics of Pat Buchanan, by Ramesh Ponnuru, October 11, 1999]These "enlightened" Indians act like they are not racists, but in reality they have no qualms living in lily-white neighborhoods, marrying white women and talking down to real conservatives.
They do not want to live in black majority neighborhoods, send their kids to "minority-majority" schools, host black "friends" to their house-parties, or marry black/Brown people. Ramesh, [Send him mail]Dinesh D’souza and all of these other thugs need to be called out on their "diversity" fraud.
I am from upper-caste Indian background too, but I see through all the hypocrisy. I am a big supporter of Pat and Ron Paul and I wholeheartedly agree with VDARE.com sentiment, we need to stop the illegal invasion, and sharply cut legal immigration. Banning high breeding immigrants from Latin America, Africa and Islamic countries (terror threats, TSA, growing police state) should be pretty straightforward but Cultural-Marxism paralyzes white people.
All we need is high IQ immigrants annually from Korea/Japan and India at the rate of less than 0.1% of US population/year to satisfy the multicultural fetish. Anything more is "Suicide of the West".