A Hispanic Reader Says We’re Getting More Hispanics Whether We Need Them Or Not

By VDARE.com Reader


01/17/07 — A Florida Reader Wants To Spit Because A Manhattan Restaurant Is In The Soup

Re: Do We Need More Hispanics? By Jared Taylor

From: J R [Send him mail]

First off, I believe Mr Taylor means that the US Census did not have a category for "Hispanics" until 1970 … not 1980

In 1970, the US Census coined the artificial term, "Hispanic". Before that, "Hispanics" were counted as WHITE on the assumption most of us were of Spanish descent … as in southern European Spanish … "Hispanics" were tallied at 5% of the USA population by the 1970 US Census …

That said …

It doesn’t matter if White America "needs" or WANTS more "Hispanics" … we are here and our numbers will only rise rapidly in decades to come … mostly due to the birth rate DIFFERENTIAL with other groups … besides … it’s NOT as if Europeans concerned themselves much with the sensitivities of NATIVE Americans when they began arriving ILLEGALLY in large numbers as NY Times writer … William Hogeland recently eloquently pointed out …

Ultimately, the reason for the demographic replacement of whites in the USA will be LOW BIRTH rates coupled with the psychological and neo-natal effects of 2 fratricidal wars among the whites themselves … known as WW1 and WW2 … I mean…is it MEXICAN’s fault that Germany’s population is now in decline because of low birth rates?

"Hispanics" are now 22% of the under 5 age population in the USA per the Washington Post, look at the charts and graphs at the bottom of the page … [Of U.S. Children Under 5, Nearly Half Are Minorities| Hispanic Growth Fuels Rise, Census Says By D'Vera Cohn and Tara Bahrampour, May 10, 2006]

Given that 2/3 of USA "Hispanics" are of Mexican ancestry, it’s safe to assume about 13-14% of ALL under 5 age youngsters in the USA are now of MEXICAN origin … a number that will SURELY rise in decades to come …

Society at large can perhaps afford to discard despised minorities, such as blacks, when they are a small percentage of the population … but THIS society will NOT be able to write off 1/4 of its youth … and that’s JUST the "Hispanic" portion…over 50% in the southwestern states … can California afford to write off over 50% of its youth???

What happens when "Hispanic" youth represent 65%+ of southwestern states youth??? Can these states AFFORD to write off 2/3 of their youth???

By 2025, us MEXICAN-Americans will be the majority of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Nevada and Colorado will not be far behind …

More importantly, the foreign born % of our population will drop precipitously … .most estimates I see say about 15% … down from the current 40%-50% … .depending on the survey …

This means that the 100+ Congressional representatives of the 7 southwestern states, plus their 14 US Senators, will have to be responsive to an electorate that is at least half "Hispanic" … and rising …

By 2025, "Hispanics", 80% of whom are of MEXICAN ancestry in California, will be about 25% of the University of California system, still "under-represented" to be sure, but at 25%, a strong presence on campus … I arrive at this number by extrapolating from the fact that about 25% of California "gifted" students are now "Hispanic" … under-represented to be sure … I mean … "Hispanics" are 38% of California’s people and a 40% of the K-12 student population …

Fyi,"only" 2/3 of "Hispanics" in Los Angeles County are of MEXICAN ancestry …

The following counties are ones to keep an eye on;

In short, these counties will resemble the demographic profile of Los Angeles County, California or Bexar County, Texas TODAY … only the overwhelming majority of the "Hispanics" will be USA born and bred

This means we will be the Sheriffs, Police, Mayors, County Supervisors, etc … will be FORCED to respond to "Hispanic" electorates and communities … .DEMOCRACY, remember???

"Hispanic" PURCHASING POWER will surpass 1 TRILLION (with a T) dollars by 2010 … .consider the cultural implications of this as companies vie to market to this community …

By 2025 … the income, wealth, educational, etc disparities between "Hispanics" and the general population will NARROW … though obviously not be erased … .however … by SHEER FORCE OF NUMBERS … we will have a STRONG (25%+) presence on most southwestern states college campuses …

In short, whoever has a problem with this should consider going back to Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East or whatever the case may be … Cuba perhaps???


P.S. Sure hope I get to read Joe "The Wop" Guzzardi’s obituary SOON

… maybe we can send his corpse back to the land of his mama’s birth???

As a 28 year old man, I also look forward to reading Peter "The IMMIGRANT" Brimelow obituary as well … and GOD willing … I will also get to read the obituaries of Steve Sailer (who I have seen in person at the Beverly Center … I felt like confronting him … I was in a large party … but … at the end of day … EVERYONE has a right to their opinion … even ME ), Pat Buchanan and Jared Taylor as well … .the one thing you ALL have in common in that you are a bunch of OLD men … WE are the YOUTH … WE ARE THE FUTURE!!!

Mr Brimelow … if that bothers you … .GO BACK TO ENGLAND where you belong!!!

By the time you are ALL dead … surely by the mid 2020s … OUR political muscle will be so strong … we will swat your replacements down like flies … .

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