A Houston Reader Agrees That The U.S. Immigration Problem Is With Mexicans, Not Russians
08/19/09 — A North Carolina Reader Remembers How Teddy Kennedy Cut In Line At Duke University
From: George Weinbaum
Re: Today’s Letter: A New York Reader Wonders Why The Fuss Over Russian Women When Democrats Allow Mexicans To Pour Over The Border
Amen to letter writer Dawn Carricio’s message that America should focus its concerns on our border and not with the comparatively small number of Russian scam artists.
When Russians in America have children, they will become Americans. But as it is said, "Wherever there is a Mexican, there is Mexico".
Mexicans rarely become Americans.
Weinbaum is a Certified Public Accountant. Two earlier letters from him about Islamic immigration are here and here. Other letters from Weinbaum are here.