A Lawyer Says That Law Enforcement Takes All Threats "Seriously"
11/27/08 — A Hawaii Reader Says Mahalo to VDARE.com
From: Eleanor Simpson, Esq.
Re: James Fulford’s Blog: Punishing Obama Critics
Ordinarily I'd be in full agreement with Fulford that the University of Texas football player Buck Burnette shouldn’t have been punished for posting a so-called "racial slur" [referring to President-Elect Barack Obama] on the Internet.
My problem is that the sentence Burnette posted, "All the hunters gather up … " could have been interpreted as a threat to an individual’s life.
Indeed, I've seen such statements regarded precisely that way by law enforcement, and taken seriously.
By James Fulford replies: Well, maybe, although Burnette was just posting what someone sent him as a text message so the original sender is the one who should be in trouble.
But we've had years of violent left-wing Bush hatred (different in kind and degree from VDARE.com’s attitude) including at lot of people who seemed to be threatening his life.
I doubt if any university has disciplined any anti-Bush students.