
A Legal Professional Writes On A Police Shooting In South Africa Which WON’T Make International Headlines.

By Reader


From: An Anonymous Legal Professional

Apparently black lives no longer matter in the new South Africa, because the cops are black, too.

Cops caught on camera 'executing' criminal (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT), By Sabelo Skiti, Sunday Times News, South Africa, November 1, 2015.
Remember when South Africa was going to be a utopia once there was "diversity (blacks)" in government and the police force? That the problem was apartheid and "racist" white cops committing "genocide"? It’s only a matter of time before South Africa becomes Zimbabwe. It just goes to show you that when you think things can’t get any worse, hand it over to blacks and your expectations will undoubtedly be surpassed.

See an earlier letter by the same reader.

By James Fulford writes: I covered this phenomenon in a post with the lengthy title Black Police Kill Black Miners "In A Spectacle That Reminded Many South Africans Of The Apartheid Past" And Everyone Else Of ALL THE OTHER GOVERNMENTS IN AFRICA. about an incident where black police killed 34 striking black miners.

The point is that while people everywhere know what the "Sharpeville Massacre" was — some rioters shot by white police in 1960 — almost no one in North America has even heard of this one that happened just three years ago. It’s the "soft bigotry of low expectations."

The violence in South Africa his so bad that when the wife of their President made a speech condemning police shootings, she was talking about about the shootings of police officers.

President Jacob Zuma’s wife Sizakele Zuma has made an impassioned plea to the government to stop the murder of police officers.

Speaking at the memorial service of Sergeant Mzwakhe John Magwaza, 42, a presidential protection unit guard who was stationed at the Nkandla homestead, MaKhumalo said she was saddened by Magwaza’s murder. Like many other of her husband’s bodyguards, he had become like a child to her.

MaKhumalo calls for end to cop slayings,by Nathi Olifant, Sunday Times News, November 1, 2015

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