A Louisiana Reader Says Michelle Malkin Needs An Education
From: Mark A. Couvillion
Re: Michelle Malkin’s Column: Pelosi And The Big Wind Boone-Doggle
Although I am usually in agreement with Malkin, she is dead wrong in denouncing Boone Pickens' plan for energy independence.
Just because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a good investment in wind energy in the past, and the Sierra Club approves of wind power, there is no reason to call Pickens a left-wing loonie.
Pickens is a visionary whose plan makes sense. When he speaks, energy markets and governments listen.
The issue is not some liberal red herring to destroy the idea of more domestic drilling. Crude oil will be a major source of fuel for a long time to come regardless of how natural gas is used. We need to drill more and do everything else that we can, too.
Replacing imported crude oil with domestic natural gas will limit the outflow of our national wealth to unstable foreign nations, and also mitigate many of our costly foreign policy problems. I would wager that when all is counted, subsidies for wind project do not come close to those for imported crude oil.
Much of Malkin’s criticism is silly. What she needs is less cynicism and more attention to facts so can be better informed.
To Pickens' detractors, I would like to ask "What exactly is your idea to get us out of this mess?"
Should we continue such silly bickering, we just may end up cursing the darkness in both a literal and very real sense.
Couvillion lives in Baton Rouge and trades stocks for his own account.
Joe Guzzardi adds: I support neither Pelosi nor the Democratic Party (any more). And I agree with Couvillion that, given the state of the union, less cynicism would be a very good thing. It’s not like the Republicans are doing such a great job.
Here’s another example of rational thought gone awry: Since moving to Pittsburgh, I don’t know my way around the radio dial very well. So I happened onto Sean Hannity one afternoon as he was going on his usual rant about how the Democrats are the ruination of the country.
Somehow a caller got through and said "Let’s talk about Ted Stevens for a while!" This was the day Stevens was indicted, after a four-year federal investigation, on seven counts of filing false financial statements.
Hannity hung up on him. But Stevens is as legitimate a topic for talk radio as any other subject — if not more so.