A Massachusetts Reader Wonders Why We Even Bother With The Two Major Parties

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: Romney/Ryan/Obama coverage in toto

An Anonymous Member Of The White Working Class

I often wonder why you guys keep on talking Republicrat politics.

Nothing will ever change that way because both parties are the parties of doom. You've got to start touting new people who can offer real alternatives to the neo-conservative and moonbat elites that are currently ruining this country.

I live in Massachusetts. When Romney was governor here, there was no more prosperity here than at present. The only thing that Romney saddled us with was his version of Obamacare — and I’m paying through the nose for my own substandard healthcare (read: enormous deductibles) under Romneycare.

You guys ought to be urging, strenuously, that every American who is undecided this fall write in the name of Ron Paul on the ballot. I'll be doing that and so should you.

The reader asked us to describe him as "an anonymous member of the white working class, though there are fewer and fewer of us."

James Fulford writes: VDARE.com is non-partisan (not "bipartisan") and we don’t advise people how to vote. We continue to cover the two major parties because they're not going away anytime soon.

We have been talking about the possibility of a third party since the year 2000. Lyn Nofziger, who was with Reagan from his California days, said this about third parties:

May 19, 2005 — Third political parties in the United States are notoriously unsuccessful. They don’t win important elections, although from time to time one may garneer enough votes to give one of the two major parties a victory it might otherwise not win. In l992, for example, Ross Perot’s third party may have prevented the reelection of President George H.W. Bush.

Likewise, Theodore Roosevelt’s Bull Moose party caused the defeat of President Taft and gave the presidency to Woodrow Wilson. And Democrats like to blame Al Gore’s loss in 2000 on the votes siphoned off by third party candidate Ralph Nader.

Nevertheless, despite a record of failures, the law of averages says that one day a third party will have the right issue(s) and the right candidate to win the presidency.[More]

The issue that Nofziger thought might cause a third party breakout:"open borders and illegal immigration."

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