A Nevada Reader Wonders Where Harry Reid Will Live Come November

By VDARE.com Reader


06/02/10 — An Arizona Reader Asks For VDARE.com’s Help

From: Joyce Reynolds

Whether he wins or loses in November, Harry Reid may still be in his Washington D.C. Ritz-Carlton condo for which he paid $750,000 cash a few years ago. [Reid to Reimburse Campaign for Payments, by John Solomon, Associated Press, October 16, 2006]

But he will not be residing in the Lake Las Vegas Ritz-Carlton which closed this week. Nor will Reid be bedding down at the Tahoe Ritz-Carlton Highland that announced in May that it is in default.

For the rest of his life, Reid will be comfortable. But the Nevada workers at the two Ritz Carlton properties will have to figure out new ways to provide their families with the basic necessities.

Good luck to them in Nevada’s economy. The state’s 13.7 unemployment rate has reached that level under the misguided Senate direction provided by Reid.

Reynolds works in the hospitality industry.

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