A New Graduate Wonders About Her Commencement Day

By VDARE.com Reader


From: Name Withheld

I graduated from Santa Monica College with my AA degree on June 12, the day before yesterday. Our speaker was William H Gray III, President of United Negro College Fund. He informed us that minorities will be 50% of the U.S. population within 50 years and that the "good old days are gone when discrimination reigned, days that were neither good nor old." He informed us that "we had all better start liking collard greens and jalapeno peppers". My husband (who is a legal immigrant from the Philippines) was even offended by this address. Rather than focus on positives and opportunity, it was a negative political hack job that seemed to be saying "you whites are going down and we minorities can hardly wait to lord it over you." I don’t even think Mr. Gray realized how radical he sounded; I’m sure he had toned his rhetoric down substantially for this occasion. I was one of the only European-American citizens there; the majority of graduates were Hispanic, black, and Asian.

Other events of note are that the president of our student body, from Pakistan, opened with a quote from Mohammed. Of course, there was no mention of Christianity or Jesus at all. The president of the college, Piedad Robertson (from Cuba) talked about outstanding students (all black, Hispanic; no whites.) She still has an accent, pronouncing many words with a long "eeee" sound, and cannot pronounce the letter "z". The word "organization" becomes "organisation" and so forth.

The whole event was rather depressing, and a portent of things to come.

VDARE wishes this reader all the best with her career (and political future) and notes encouragingly that what public policy has made, it can also unmake. Commentary circa 1960 viewed as inevitable the hollowing-out of ethnic neighborhoods, and the collapse of ethnic politics. They were actually just the consequence of the immigration pause legislated forty years earlier.

June 19, 2001

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