A New York Attorney Thinks Michelle Obama May Not Have Passed The Bar Exam
02/26/08 — An Iowa Reader Says Diversity Programs Have Made Him Target Of Harassment
From: An Angry White Lawyer
Re: Steve Sailer’s Blog: Michelle Obama’s Thesis Unblocked
Sailer asks:
"You can’t work for two years for a law firm without passing the bar exam, can you?"
Why not?
Obama would simply have to avoid signing letters or other documents without a disclaimer.
Most corporate lawyers never appear in court. There are so many unemployable (mainly white) people with law degrees that some firms now hire predominately paralegals with J.D. degrees. Bar admission is irrelevant for them.
In states with difficult bar exams, some top graduates of prestigious law schools fail. They aren’t fired but are asked to try again at the next sitting.
It wouldn’t be surprising if a much higher percentage of black associates fail and continue to fail when they retake the exam. Their law school grades typically are abysmal — Barack Obama