A New York Roman Catholic Says All The Immigration "Rats" Were At St. Patrick’s Cathedral For Archbishop Dolan’s Debut
From: Louis Tessio
If you needed to find a pro-open borders rat on April 29th, the place to be was St. Patrick’s Cathedral where newly appointed Archbishop Timothy Dolan concelebrated his Mass of installation.
According to The Catholic Herald, New York’s governor David Paterson, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Senators Charles Schumer (immigration grade F-) and Kirsten Gillibrand (grade: C-) as well as dozens of political and union leaders attended. [Archbishop Nolan Installed in New York, The Catholic Herald, April 29, 2009]
Dolan read the epistle in Spanish and pledged himself to Spanish-speakers in their language during his homily. The prayer of the faithful was offered in seven other languages ranging from Irish to Igbo, spoken in Nigeria.
But a big, unmentioned difference is that the immigrants he praised are in New York illegally — my parents came to New York legally from Sicily.
Dolan is off to a record start to out-pander his retired predecessor Cardinal Edward M. Egan. That would be quite a feat. But based on his early performance, Dolan is up to the challenge.
Tessio is a waiter at a major New York hotel.