
A New Yorker Objects To Our Arizona School Nurse’s View Of Occupied America; Peter Brimelow Gallantly Defends Her.

By VDARE.com Reader


October 13, 2003

A Very Disgusted Ex-Cop Confronts ICE

From: Mike Mantel, New York

Re: A School Nurse Writes From Ground Zero In Occupied America

Dear Nurse: I find your attitude reprehensible. You RESENT that people have it better than you. (Which may or may not be true). I thought that was why our parents worked hard: To make this a better country. I thought that’s why people died in wars: to create a place where people can come searching to make themselves better. Do you really think that the men and women who died in WWII cared only about their families? Those people of different colors and cultures, different languages and literacy are no different than their predecessors as immigrants.

  1. Arizona: Give me a break. I live in NYC, a kaleidoscope of color and cultures.
  1. Because no one cared for your family, we should not mature as a society and care for the needy? Unless I am mistaken the Statue of Liberty has no codicil that says: only give me your legal.
  1. Moms in your office: and I thought the complaint was about the breakdown of the family. Doesn’t seem to be broken with these kids.
  1. Maybe the fact that they don’t make eye contact is a reflection of your hostility, not their attitude.
  1. Children running around: Great, I thought that is what children did.
  1. Just because they ask if you speak Spanish, does not make them less worthy of your time. Many of our Grandparents never left their ghettos to learn "American."
  1. Medicaid: No one did it for you. So just take the medicines that were invented before 1965, eliminate all advancements that occurred before 1965. That makes your life better. Oh yes, and take your parents off Medicare too.
  1. The system does fail some immigrant populations. Your perspective here is only your own, not that of someone who cares at all for anyone else who is in the least bit different.
  1. Go to Little Italy ALL IMMIGRANTS.
  1. Car seats: Good let’s just let children, innocents, die. Good attitude.

One final point: don’t know what books you read, but one I like is the Bible, and it says: we are ALL created in Gods image. Not only those that think and talk like us.

Peter Brimelow writes: Of course, "School Nurse" is spending her life providing "care" for these immigrants. Her question is why Americans should have to finance their own dispossession. Mr. Mantel’s reaction shows one of my main contentions in ALIEN NATION, that the really hysterical emotion on this debate is on the immigration enthusiast side. Note the malign influence of the Statue of Liberty myth, and the complete incomprehension of the fact that Ellis Island era immigrants were legal, screened for health and propensity to become a public charge in a way which today’s illegals, by definition, are not.

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