A Paleoconservative Woman Is Annoyed At A Quote From Charles Murray
Re: Charles (THE BELL CURVE) Murray Inches Towards National Conservatism and A Reader Reproves Charles Murray For Goodwhite Virtue Signalling
From: A Paleoconservative Woman
King Neocon Bill Kristol, a man who should be exiled to a desert island without Internet access for the rest of his life, apparently produces some sort of podcast/video thing for his fellow neocons called "Conversations with Bill Kristol". Well, he’s apparently friends and quite friendly with Charles Murray, as I discovered here.
Reading through the transcript, I found Charles actually says the following:
"I’m reminded of a saying of Irving Kristol’s that I cherish and repeat to myself like a mantra on occasion. I was talking to Irving about this, and I’m sure he said it to people besides me. He said, “Yes, the country is going to hell, but it will take a long time, and we can enjoy ourselves in the meantime.” That’s pretty much where I feel right now."
There you have it! The veritable neocon mantra of the ages: "the country is going to hell, but it will take a long time, and we can enjoy ourselves in the meantime." Charles Murray apparently CHERISHES this pablum, and repeats it to himself 'like a mantra'! Unbelievable!
See previous letters from the same reader.