04/22/09 — A Los Angeles Roman Catholic Calls Roger Cardinal Mahony A "Faux Humanitarian"
From: Henri Rousseau
Re: Steve Sailer’s Blog: Maureen Dowd: "Blue-Eyed Greed"
For years, blue eyes have been very out of fashion on Wall Street to the point of obvious and systemic discrimination.
During the era I lived in Manhattan, the overwhelming ethnic profile of banking and the New York Mayor’s office Manhattan was "Mediterranean White." This extended to Washington D.C. appointments, some of whom came from those communities.
But note now:
Further supporting my views is the April 13th 2005 Jim Cramer article published in his magazine and titled: "Wrong! That’s Not Blue Blood Running Morgan Stanley."
Cramer wrote:
"Last I looked, Lloyd Blankfein, Richard Fuld, Stan O'Neal, Jimmy Cayne and Sandy Weill weren’t Skull-and-Bones guys. The only place where there was even a hint of blue blood the whole time I worked on Wall Street was at Morgan, and that got swept away years ago.
"We are reviled for much on Wall Street but one thing we are pretty good at is having a meritocracy of numbers. You deliver the numbers no matter what race, color or creed you are, you're moving up. You blow the numbers away, you are king. You mess up on the numbers, you are supposed to be gone.
"And that’s the true irony in this Morgan Stanley story. The guys departing Morgan Stanley now aren’t Bones types at all. They left long ago. The guys departing now are the numbers guys. That’s the real irony."
This time around, some more of the Mediterranean white country club members messed up the numbers real big. They're gone, too.
But Mack and Pandit are still there.
So much for the meritocracy theory.
Rosseau is a naturalized United States citizen and an engineer by trade. Rousseau, who speaks five languages and works for a multinational corporation, lives in a major metropolitan area.