A Peruvian Immigrant Supports Immigration Reform

By VDARE.com Reader


A Reader Reminds Us Of Our Frist Duty

From: Haydee Pavia

I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I am third-generation born in the American continent from Navarra, Spain. A paternal great-grandfather was American of Irish descent. My father was a businessman in Peru. He owned a chain of gas stations. I attended a German Catholic private school for girls. I took English and German as second languages. When I finished high school, my father moved his family to the United States. He felt the danger of communism was imminent.

We came here as LEGAL immigrants. My father had to show the American consul that he had money, that he didn’t have a police record, that we were all in good health and that we had all our shots. We also took an oath that we would respect U.S. laws and that we would not be on welfare. We were fingerprinted and we were told we would be deported if we were to be convicted of a crime.

We came to this country because we love it. These immigrants these days come for the handouts. My dad went into the Venetian blind business in NY and we bought a lovely home in a nice Long Island neighborhood. I married and raised three lovely daughters in an English-only home. All three hold BS and BA degrees. One is a freelance writer, the other works for NASA as a tech. and the third one is going for her degree in Veterinary.

I arrived in the U.S. prior to 1965. I am horrified what is happening to my beloved U.S.A. Even as a little girl, I loved the United States and at age 10 I asked my father for lessons in English. I continued learning English in school and I attended an English academy after school hours. By the time I came here I was fluent in English. All my friends were American. I felt that I came here to be an American, else I would have stayed in South America.

I became aware of media manipulation of the news and that started me into activism against illegal immigration and mass legal immigration. The more I learned, the more shocked I became. I spend five to six hours daily writing letters to newspapers throughout the U.S. I have friends who send me articles and I also find them in web sites. I feel they need to know that we are not all brain dead.

I have received hate letters from Reconquistas. They think I am a "sellout." LOL!

January 16, 2003

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