A Professor Applies The ‘Turing Test’ To The West, And Finds A Good Imitation Of Defeat
Re: Steve Sailer’s Blog Post How Plausible Is Houellebecq’s “Submission?
From: Professor of Mystery
I just finished watching The Imitation Game. It’s boiler plate gay liberation, which I think even gay "martyr" Alan Turing, the subject of the picture, would turn his eyebrow up at.
Anyway, he explained his Game. (What computer scientists now call the "Turing Test".)If you can’t tell the difference between a human and a machine as a judge then the machine is as good as human.
So I look at France, Britain and America and I look for signs of Submission and subtle conquest. If it walks like a Dhimmi and talks like a Dhimmi it’s a Dhimmi. I can’t see much difference between conquered people and what we are now. So we are doing a very good imitation of Submission.
See previous letters from the same reader.