A Reader Compares Employers Of H-1B Visa Workers To The Slave Power
Re: Dr. Norm Matloff On The Bright Future Report
From: Jesse Mossman
Dr. Matloff is correct when he writes that the reason employers prefer H-1Bs is
[T]he de facto indentured servitude of the H-1Bs, especially those whom the employer is sponsoring for a green card.
The de facto indentured servitude of the H-1Bs is of tremendous value to many employers, especially in places like Silicon Valley. …
[I]f you are an employer, you'd love to have a way to FORCE your worker to stay with you. There’s no good way to do that with American workers, but luckily for you, the U.S. government provides you with a excellent method to force a foreign worker to stay loyal: Green card sponsorship.
I believe VDARE.com’s use of the term Slave Power is apt because too many employers today want the closest thing they can get to slaves — foreign workers here on a visa. Gone are the days when a good, reliable employee could expect lifetime employment followed by a gold watch and a pension. It is not just old employees who are discarded in favor of younger, cheaper (and frequently foreign) ones, but I heard that one employer flatly states he would never hire a C programmer older than 35.
I spoke with a young Japanese woman who worked for a particularly nasty employer. This woman told me that her employer had promised to help her obtain a green card, but that year after year she was put off.
Consequently, with no green card, she could not switch jobs and had to put up with low pay and horrendous working conditions.
Another woman, not here on a visa, told me that she was looking for another job because of the sweatshop conditions at Microsoft. It wasn’t unusual, she said, to be preparing to leave Friday night and to be suddenly handed a large project which was due Monday morning.
Others have talked about people with mattresses under their desks to catch a nap when working night and day on projects and how older workers who wanted time with their families were considered less desirable than unattached people who could be expected to work nights and weekends.
If these are the expectations of today’s employers, it is no wonder so many Chinese and Indians are brought in under visas. These workers have fewer options and so can be pushed harder and paid less.
Recently Bill Gates has been spending a lot of money on Third World projects. Perhaps he wishes to replace his image as a cutthroat businessman with that of a philanthropist. But if he is willing to give up so much money, why not hire Americans and even set up a school to train them if he really can’t find American employees with suitable backgrounds? Perhaps patriotism is not important to him because he wants to curry favor with the left which wishes to "elect a new people."
Looking at the number of Chinese and Indians just east and north of Seattle, they seem to be succeeding.