A Reader Finds Broken Links On Our "Why VDARE" Page (Not Our Fault, But We’ve Fixed Them Anyway!)
Re: Why VDARE.com / The White Doe?
From: An Anonymous Reader
From time to time when I wander by your fine web site, I like to read the "About VDARE.com" page. Today was one of those days (as you have a new design) and I think many of the links on that page no longer work. Of course they might not have been working for a long time, but nobody noticed.
By James Fulford writes Thanks for pointing that out! Why VDARE.com / The White Doe? is Peter Brimelow’s explanation of our reason for existing, which has been on the site since 1999..
It’s been periodically cleaned up and updated, (by me) but it suffers from external link rot. That is, with the help of our redesign team’s technical efforts, all the links to other VDARE.com pages work, but some of the pages on the National Park Service site, relating to the history of Virginia Dare, are gone, and pages on University servers had moved.
I just took another pass at it, fixing the links that had been changed by their owners, or that had vanished. I used the links from internet backup site archive.org and its Wayback Machine, which I always use when I find broken links.
Most sites won’t bother to do this, but we try to, and this one is important.