A Reader From North Carolina Says Austria’s Freedom Party Poised for Victory In Wake of Trump

By VDARE.com Reader


From: A Reader From North Carolina 02austria-video-facebookJumbo-v2-1024x536

In less than a month, Austrians will choose their new president. This is the second time Austrians will have voted for president this year: an earlier election pitting nationalist candidate Norbert Hofer against Green Party member Alexander Van der Bellen was annulled after the country’s constitutional court found that the election — narrowly won by Van der Bellen — had been marked by severe irregularities.

On December 4th, the two candidates will once again face off. Many are now predicting victory [Austria told Trump win 'wake-up call' as country poised to elect first far-right President, By Katie Mansfield, UK Express, October 23, 2016] for the immigration restrictionist Hofer, who has risen to prominence on opposition to Merkel’s refugee policy. A win for Hofer will be taken as confirmation of a Trump effect as voters, looking to America, are emboldened to cast their ballot for an end to the nation-breaking policies that are so rapidly undoing Europe.

With crucial elections scheduled for France and Germany in the next year, it will also be seen as a bellwether for the rest of Europe. A victory for the Freedom party will be confirmation that, in the wake of Brexit and Trump, the prevailing political winds are now blowing from West to East.

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