A Reader Has An “I Told You So” Moment Over The Kenya Mall Attacks
From: D McGrath, UK
I was right about Samantha Lewthwaite. The so-called “white widow” (a British convert to Islam) was not present at the Kenya mall attack, according to the BBC: Kenya military names Westgate mall attack suspects, October 5, 2013.
It was clear at the time that Kenya’s Somali-born Foreign Minister Amina Muhamad (damn her ) was desperately attempting to blame a paleface for the mall attack, rather than her Somali compatriots. Do I get a regular column on VDARE.com for making the correct call? :-)
By James Fulford writes: Congratulations on getting it right — “I told you so” is a regular feature here at VDARE.com. A regular column on VDARE.com is not exactly a reward; some people would consider it a punishment.