RE: Washington Watcher’s article Herbivore Concessions Enable Rubio’s New DREAM Act — Same Old Nightmare For America’s Unemployed
From: Rob Builder
Is it true that Rubio killed several immigrations bills while he was in the Florida legislature?
By James Fulford writes: yes, it’s extremely true.
Enos Schera wrote on VDARE.com:
The Miami-based group Citizens Of Dade United (of which I am vice president) has backed Florida state immigration enforcement bills for many years. But the Hispanic Caucus legislators have blocked them all.
Central to this unAmerican activity: Marco Rubio. In 2008, when he was Florida House Speaker, Rubio told his appointed Rules Chairman Rep. David Rivera and six Chairmen with bills in their committees to stall all six until the session ended.
All Chairmen followed Rubio’s orders. The session ended, killing the six House Bills, also killing 4 Senate Bills.[In Memory Of My Grandson: Reflections On Reclaiming Florida]
See also GOP Insurgents Rubio, Hoffman Have The Right Enemies — But The Wrong, Treason Lobby, Friends, By Washington Watcher