
A Reader Is Cheered By John Podhoretz on Birthright Citizenship

By Reader


July 12, 2005

A Programmer Reader Chastises Peter Brimelow For Skilled Immigration Squishiness; Brimelow Blithers

From: Reader

I don’t know if y'all check in on National Review’s blog, the Corner, but over the past few days John Podhoretz has been swinging wildly, desperately, crazily at anyone who brings up serious discussion about immigration and the National Question. What a bore: dismissive, aspersive, crude, can barely restrain ad-hominem attack. Now I understand what you were talking about when you commented on him taking over the New York Post’s editorial page.

This cheers me up; if Podhoretz is a typical of the Neocon immigration enthusiast then they will be crushed in open debate and discussion. That is the key, keep pushing so that this becomes an on the table topic for discussion.

[ NOTE: Here, below, what he’s talking about, and more here. Oh and check this out.]

MORE — OR, RATHER, LESS — ON BIRTHRIGHT CITIZENSHIP [John Podhoretz] Boy, some people just can’t stand the idea that some other people might become citizens in this country, eh? If the problem of birthright citizenship is not the citizenship itself, as Derb’s e-mailer suggests, but the fact that the citizen can petition to get his family members made into citizens, then there’s a simple expedient to fix that: You can change the law. Or you can try remembering that without immigration, there would be about 75 million people in the United States, a nation that now comfortably houses 300 million and could easily accommodate many more. Oh, and if any e-mailer e-mails me angrily AND USES CAPITAL LETTERS TO MAKE HIS POINT, that e-mail goes in the garbage can. As will slurs — both open and subtle — against Spanish-speakers, claims that "this wasn’t the country my father fought for in WWII/Korea/Dominican Republic/Grenada," and the always popular "why should my tax dollars go and pay for." There’s plenty of things my tax dollars go and pay for that I don’t like. Welcome to democracy. You don’t like it? Try to change it. Period.

Of course, the birthright citizenship/anchor baby issue has never been subject to the least tincture of democracy, because it is

  1. the result of a legal misinterpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment, and thus in the first instance under the jurisdiction of the unelected Supreme Court,
  2. the subject of a elite bipartisan consensus, which means that there’s nowhere you can go to vote against it, and
  3. opposed, like open border policies generally, by a majority of the American people.

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