A Reader Is Cool On Coulter; Peter Brimelow Replies Warmly

By VDARE.com Reader


August 30, 2003

A Polish American Contemplates Polish Illegals in Chicago

[See also: The Neocons Launch A Coulterkampf; and Treason Lobby Beware! Ann Coulter Takes Aim At Immigration]

From: Cool On Coulter

I've given quite a bit of thought about why Ann Coulter hasn’t weighed in more forcefully about the treasonous Open Borders Lobby. The disturbing answer is that she was an active member of the OBL herself, and that her legal work may have aided the 9/11 hijackers.

Let me explain. First, see her bio: Quote: "After practicing law in private practice in New York City, Coulter worked for the Senate Judiciary Committee, where she handled crime and immigration issues for Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan."

Coulter worked for Arab/Muslim special interest water-carrier/Wall Street Journal editorial page darling Abraham from 1994-1996, when he was busiest sabotaging CIPRIS (the foreign student tracking system … precursor to SEVIS) and gumming up implementation of Section 110 of IIRIRA dealing with the broader foreign visitor entry/exist system. He also pushed through an H-1B expansion and mass amnesty for illegal alien Haitians, tried to kill workplace verification pilot programs, and removed higher fines for businesses caught hiring illegals. See NumbersUSA’s profile of (former) Senator Abraham.

During the period Coulter worked for Abraham, he was also aggressively pushing to end the use of secret evidence in deportation hearings of Arab Muslims because it was "unfair racial profiling." You may recall that in 2000 Bush singled Abraham out for praise for his work on trying to eliminate the use of secret evidence:

October 12, 2000 Associated Press — Texas Gov. George W. Bush gave a boost to U.S. Sen. Spence Abraham during the presidential debate Wednesday night when he mentioned an Abraham bill that would help end discrimination against Arab immigrants … Bush made his comments about Abraham, a Republican from Auburn Hills, after he was questioned about his position on racial profiling. "There is (sic) other forms of racial profiling that goes on in America. Arab-Americans are racially profiled in what’s called secret evidence. People are stopped, and we got to do something about that," Bush said, according to a transcript of the debate provided by eMediaMillWorks Inc. "My friend, Senator Spencer Abraham of Michigan, is pushing a law to make sure that, you know, Arab-Americans are treated with respect."

Ugh. As FAIR asked so presciently at the time (remember those ads they ran in Michigan that prompted Paul Gigot to condemn FAIR as racist?):

"Why is Senator Spencer Abraham trying to make it easier for terrorists like Osama bin Laden to export their war of terror to any city street in America?"

The first time 9/11 ringleader Mohammed Atta first visited the U.S., he overstayed his visa. If Abraham/Coulter had not led the charge to stymie the entry/exit system, Atta would have been identified as an overstayer when he flew from the U.S. to Spain, and would not have been allowed back into the country through Miami International Airport in January 2001.

Coulter was Abraham’s lead Senate Judiciary Committee counsel on immigration issues during the mid-1990s. Judged by her own standards, she could be viewed as a terrorist-abetting/illegal alien-loving traitor no less guilty of facilitating 9/11 than the INS incompetents, Clinton administration, and all other liberals she rightly condemns in her book Treason and in her syndicated columns.

Peter Brimelow replies: Ah, maybe I’m sexist, but I like Ann…besides, I used to work for Orrin Hatch and Steve Forbes!

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