A Reader Is "Sick Of White Bashing" In The MainStream Media

By VDARE.com Reader


09/02/10 — A Reader Asks What If The Discovery Channel Hostage Taker Had Been A White Immigration Reformer?

From: "Jan" [Send email]

Some liberal crackpot from Maine was on the Laura Ingraham Show today explaining why it was all right for non-citizens to vote. That was bad enough, but then when asked what he thought about Arizona’s new law he stated that all of the anti-immigrant talk was because whites are angry that they are losing their status as the majority.

You're damn right I’m mad about it. I’m white, my kids are white, my grandkids are white … .why the hell would I want to leave them a nation led by people who, rather than fight for their own country, left it? People who define the word racist.

Please, someone out there, tell me what non-white country’s policies would people like to adopt? Haiti? Some country in Africa? How about South America? Mexico? Yeah, that’s what we need … ..Mexican-style government.

Speaking of Mexico, can you imagine what the elites would say if 30 million white Americans descended on Mexico making the Mexican people the minority? Didn’t Africa and India fight to expel their WHITE immigrants? And the whole world agreed with them.

NO ONE is more welcoming and tolerant than whites. Prove to me otherwise. When blacks or Hispanics are in control, they discriminate.

I’m so sick of this I could scream. Obama’s African family was more likely to have held slaves than my American or European ancestors.

To all you non-white racists … I don’t believe in white supremacy but neither do I, nor will I ever, believe in black or Hispanic or Muslim supremacy.

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