A Reader Lauds The Patriotic Porn Star Who Brought Down A Pro-Immigration Congressman (Pictures Attached Are In Good Taste)
06/17/11 — A Former Floridian Gives Yahoo Blog Credit For Reporting Race; We Disagree
Re: Patrick J. Buchanan’s article Why Weiner’s Going Under the Bus
From: An Anonymous Reader
How about featuring some positive, wholesome pictures of patriotic porn star Miss Ginger Lee? She just took down one of the worst open borders immigration Congressmen: NY Rep. Weiner graded F on immigration by NumbersUSA.[Former Porn Star Breaks Silence on Weiner, TMZ.com, June 14, 2011]
Let’s face it, we're in a rough war and once solid conservative people, organizations like the Southern Baptist Convention, and the US Catholic Church are falling down — so isn’t it inspirational to hear such good news that patriotic prostitutes, porn stars, and bimbos are taking down the likes of Rep. Weiner, and Gov. Eliot Spitzer?
Maybe we can get this gal Miss Ginger Lee to instigate an on line relationship with NYC Mayor Bloomberg.
Here’s some pictures of Miss Ginger Lee and the horrible Mr. and Mrs. Weiner — Weiner married a very ugly Muslim woman to show his commitment to multi-culturalism and the transformation of our old America to something … .ugly.
James Fulford writes: The pictures the reader sent were lost in transmission, so we had to look up a couple of our own. Huma Abedin, (Mrs Anthony Weiner) is pictured below during the Democratic Primary Campaign of 2007, where she acted as "body person", which means something like valet, lady’s maid, or theatrical dresser to Hillary Clinton. She’s actually not bad-looking.
Here she is with Representative Weiner:
Was Weiner’s marriage to Huma, now officially "Chief Of Staff" to the Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton, one of the most powerful figures in the Democratic Party, a careerist move? He said it wasn’t, but recent events have shown that he'd say anything.
As for Miss Lee, [Non-Congressmen can follow her on Twitter] here she is looking soulful, as if she were unhappy about the whole scandal, and if she looks underdressed, this is actually a lot more than she usually wears.