A Reader Mentions A Congressman Who Found Himself Replaced By A Hispanic
From: An Anonymous Reader:
This is also the "Solarz Rule." Stephen Solarz was a liberal Democratic Jewish congressman from Brooklyn, NY who assumed that the area’s new demographic group, Latinos, would continue to vote for him because he was a liberal. They liked his voting but threw him out for one of their own.
By James Fulford writes: The New York Times’s obituary says that nine-term congressman Solarz, something of an immigration enthusiast, was defeated after "his district had been redrawn to facilitate the election of a Hispanic candidate."Wikipedia says he was defeated in the primary by Nydia Velazquez, who has held the seat since 1993, and is " the first Puerto Rican woman to be elected to Congress, and the chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus until January 3, 2011. "Usually congressmen are immune to the forces represented by the VDARE.com American Worker Displacement Index for the simple reason that the constitution requires a congressman to be an American citizen — which Puerto Ricans are, of course. This is an exception to that immunity.