Re: James Fulford’s article Black Privilege: SALON Writer Offended On Way To Ferguson Teach-In
From: Kevin
I enjoyed James Fulford’s article on SALON’s Brittney Cooper as I have been reading her articles for a while. I would like to point out an
other article she wrote after the Ferguson non-indictment. In it she makes the statement:
"Is anyone else tired of wandering in this wilderness? Surely this land of broken promises isn’t what Dr. King had in mind for us. Hopefully, from the fiery furnace of Ferguson, the floating embers will spark and spread and blaze us a new trail — up out of this madness.Did you expect me to call for peace? Did you expect me to condemn looting and property damage? Did you expect me to preach at the people about being constructive rather than destructive?
Peaceful protests have been happening for over 100 days. But white folks only really pay attention if they fear they have something to lose. Smoke flares in their nostrils, because then they are confronted with the possibility of charred, burning, white flesh. No more water. The fire next time." (bold is mine)
See the article on Salon: I am utterly undone: My struggle with black rage and fear after Ferguson, November 25, 2014.
This is before what happened to Jessica Chambers in Mississippi. [See JESSICA CHAMBERS: Teen Murdered Immediately After Local Blacks Called For Rape & Burning Of White Women, December 12, 2014]
James Fulford writes: It may have been before that specific incident, but it’s after a number of burning attacks — see Ten white people set afire in recent months, DailyKenn.com, December 9, 2014.
Dr. Brittney Cooper, email her, is Assistant Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers, and has written many hate-filled and inaccurate articles for Salon. She’s also called for attacks on Officer Darren Wilson and his family:
“Beyond shock, I continue to be appalled at the extensive lengths to which the police have gone to protect Officer Darren Wilson and his family from any public reproach or reprisal in Mike’s death. They delayed the release of his name in order to provide him enough time to leave town.”Salon’s Brittney Cooper Doubles Down, Says Darren Wilson’s Family Should’ve Faced Public “Reprisal”, Michael Luciano on August 19, 2014
It’s an example of extreme double standards that either VDARE.com or Amren.com are considered “hate sites”, but Salon, whose hate is so blatant, obvious and violent, is not.
It’s news to me, however, that Salon has started calling for white people to be burned alive. I wonder if it’s news to Dr. Cooper’s employers at Rutgers University? Email Robert Barchi, President of Rutgers, and ask him.