From: Mark001
Many big businesses deserve to be excoriated for promoting unrestricted immigration, but in criticizing them we should take care to avoid leftist buzzwords from the 19th century — “plutocrats,” “robber barons,” “Gilded Age” — as found in Peter Brimelow’s VDARE.com article.
Several generations of socialists have polluted the intellectual atmosphere with these words and phrases, originally intended to paint businessmen as rotten by their very nature. 19th century “big business,” though certainly not above criticism, was not as bad (in some case not even bad at all) as portrayed in government schools.
Furthermore, at one point Peter Brimelow refers to “selfless and principled anti-Communism.”
VDARE.com readers may understand “selfless” to mean “not cheating others” but here again intellectuals have undermined the language.
Properly construed, a good helping of selfishness is precisely what we who advocate historic America need. This is no time to be “selfless” in the sense of abandoning our self-interest, which is how Leftists use the word. Altruism in the sense not of benevolence but of helping anyone who comes along, friend or foe — helping strangers to one’s substantial detriment — is what got us into this mess.
By James Fulford writes: The reader has a valid point about both the Cultural Marxists, and the capitalists of the 19th Century. (A short introduction to the latter subject is The Myth of the Robber Barons, from the sadly pro-immigration Foundation For Economic Education.) I have to say, however, that in the 21st century, people like Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Bloomberg really are conspiring openly to displace American workers. As Peter Brimelow has written elsewhere:
Big political donors, like Silicon Valley and agribusiness, want cheap labor. Politicians of all parties give it to them. Both are engaged in a predatory attack on American workers. It’s embarrassing, but vulgar Marxism does offer the simplest explanation.
That doesn’t mean that vulgar Marxism isn’t still pretty vulgar. The best explanation is the remark attributed to midcentury conservative movement thinker Willi Schlamm: "The trouble with socialism is socialism. The trouble with capitalism is capitalists."