A Reader Points Out More Reasons For SAE To Sue David Boren
Re: James Fulford’s article Boren Goes Berserk Over OU Frat N-Word, But What About Black Frats? They Kill People!
From: An Anonymous Oklahoma Reader
To elaborate a little more on Volokh’s column. In Oklahoma, as in most states, landlords are required to give 30 days' notice on month to month tenancy for evictions, if rent is not in arrears.[Landlord & Tenant — Rights and Duties Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.]
Leaseholders may be evicted at the end of the lease period. There are exceptions for property damage, but saying the "N-Word" away from the property is not one of the allowed exceptions. I’m surprised the students rolled over and left the house as directed.
By James Fulford writes: I don’t know if if regular landlord and tenant law applies to college students, but there is actual talk of a lawsuit, see Oklahoma Fraternity’s Alumni Hire High-Profile Attorney, May Sue School, By Heide Brandes, Reuters, March 13, 2015.