
A Reader Points Out That "Race-Norming" Employment Tests Will Expose The Difference In Average IQs

By Reader


Re: Steve Sailer’s blog item Sailer in TAKI’S: “How to Hire Better Cops”

From: Troy

By Steve Sailer is right in his Takimag article on using the police entry exam to hire better cops, even within "diversity" goals. Separating the applicant pools into ethnic pools, then using the test results to stack-rank and hire the best candidates from each ethnic pool, would allow diversity goals to be met and still hire the best of each ethnic group. But it could never happen. The reason is simple. To do this, the powers that be would have to admit that such tests are valid for ranking candidates.

The Social Justice industry (and thus the diversity industry) depends on the fiction that all ethnic groups are equal, and if there are discrepancies in the results on things like tests, it must be the test that is at fault. If the test is admitted to be valid to rank candidates at a micro level (within their own ethnic groups), it would follow that it’s just as valid to rank candidates at a macro level (ethnic group against ethnic group).

Doing so would destroy the underpinnings of every “affirmative action” program in the country, and expose the terrible costs to companies and taxpayers by pursuing diversity over excellence. Not even the most Social Justice Warrior oriented spinmeister on MSNBC would be able to answer the questions that would be asked.

James Fulford writes: Above, the late Arthur Jensen, a giant in the field of human intelligence, is pictured at a blackboard showing two bell curves, during a lecture at University of California, Berkeley, in 1970. (It was in his Telegraph obituary.)

The curve on the right represents a group (call it x) with an average of something (let us say IQ points) of 100. The one one the left represents a group (call it y) with an average of 85.

And that’s what’s caused all the trouble. If the cover of Charles Murray’s book had had two Bell Curves on it, it would have been burned.

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