A Reader Remembers Operation Wetback; Even If National Review Doesn’t

By VDARE.com Reader


From: [Name Withheld]

National Review neocon John J. Miller writes ("Illegal Amnesty? Bush’s Decision Poses Problems, But Also Promise," Investor’s Business Daily, July 26, 2001): "Short of a Gestapo-like deportation effort, the millions of illegal aliens living in this country are here to stay."

I guess that Miller must consider President Eisenhower to have been a Nazi. In 1954, when the country first faced massive illegal immigration from Mexico, Ike’s "Operation Wetback" successfully rounded up and deported huge numbers of illegal aliens and brought the border under control. See Alien Nation, by Peter Brimelow, page 34, Chart 3.

At the time, the neocons were still Communists and consequently unable to dictate the policies of a Republican administration, and William F. Buckley’s magazine, as they do today.


July 27, 2001

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