A Reader Reminds Us Hispanics Are Counted As White When Committing Hate Crimes, As Minority When Victims

By VDARE.com Reader


Ellison Lodge’s article How George Zimmerman Became White

From: An Anonymous Reader

By Ellison Lodge writes that “This is not the first time a Hispanic has magically become white.” Indeed not! Under so-called "hate crime" laws, "Hispanic" is a category of victims, for federal crime statistics, but not one of offenders! Unless an Hispanic offender is quite obviously black (like, say, Sammy Sosa — prior to his skin bleaching, anyway), he will be categorized as a white offender when engaged in a "hate crime" against a black victim — or even against a genuine (non-Hispanic) white victim! As unbalanced as the "hate crime" statistics are, with black-on-white crimes greatly outnumbering white-on-black crimes, they are still heavily biased and misleading, because they count most brown offenders as whites, and never count them as brown — i.e., Hispanic.

By the way, for the record, Rita Hayworth was not purely Spanish: her father was a Spanish dancer, while her mother (the former Miss Hayworth herself) was a typical non-Hispanic white American chorus girl on Broadway.

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