A Reader Reports Christians Banned From Christmas Parade In The City Of Taylor, TX For Not Being Pro-Gay Enough
From: Angie Saxon
Have you seen reports/press conference from a group called “Texas Values” on the War On Christmas? (See below.) They’re now fighting City of Taylor, TX; city council is voting to ban Christians from its public events unless they agree to a pro-homosexual stance. Unbelievable!
Alert: Christians Banned from Christmas Parade in the City of Taylor
The war on Christmas has started. Tomorrow, the city council of Taylor, Texas will meet to take action on a 300-page agenda. Buried in this massive document is Agenda Item 13 (pgs. 266-270), a new policy that disqualifies and essentially bans Christians from being a part of city-sponsored events including Christmas parades. Also, if a church or Christian nonprofit wants to participate in a special city event they will be forced by the government to adopt a dangerous and controversial LGBT sexual orientation and gender identity policy that is not even recognized in state law.
The language of the egregious policy says “Examples of requests that are typically deemed ineligible include…individuals, organizations…who….represent religions…” The city council plans to vote on this tomorrow.
Date: December 8, 2022
See earlier letters from the same reader.
By James Fulford writes: Drew Knight or his editor at KVUE headlined this news story about Christophobia:
In wake of holiday parade controversy, Taylor council to vote on new special events policy
The policy would exclude sponsorship approval for events with discriminatory beliefs.
December 8, 2022
According to KVUE, the traditional Christmas Parade in Taylor, TX is sponsored by the local Christians, specifically the Taylor Area Ministerial Alliance.
The discussion comes after recent controversy surrounding the Taylor holiday parade. The City of Taylor recently decided to host its own separate parade after certain groups were left out of this year’s Taylor Area Ministerial Alliance parade.
Last month, KVUE learned that members of Taylor Pride were excluded from the 2022 parade due to new verbiage in the application that prohibits floats that contradict with the alliance’s biblical and family values.
Taylor Pride reported that it did participate in the parade last year, however, when the ministerial alliance learned that there were drag performers on their float, things changed. The alliance stated on Facebook that the Pride float was not in line with its beliefs.
The Pride people claimed that there was nothing dirty going on:
”We had two drag queens on our float last year,” said Denise Rodgers, Taylor Pride co-founder, last month. “Very appropriately dressed and very appropriately performing. Very age-appropriate and family-friendly drag queens in general.”
OK, Groomer. The point is that gays and trans people are getting more aggressive nationwide with targeting children with propaganda, and Taylor’s Christians don’t think that’s appropriate.
Two parades actually occurred this year, a Christian one and gay one, and the question is whether the City will allow Christians to hold their parade next year.
See these two stories from KXAN, which at least admits it’s about Christmas:
- Constraints on entry into a Christmas parade divide a Texas town
By Sam Stark, Mercedez Hernandez, KXAN, November 16, 2022 - Dueling Taylor parades see silent night instead of Christmas clash
By Mercedez Hernandez, KXAN, December 3, 2022