A Reader Reports On Some Unsuccessful Vandalism

By VDARE.com Reader


12/15/06 — A Florida Trucker Says Tancredo Was Right

Mary Crider writes [send her mail]

A few months ago I had a "Stop The Invasion" sign stolen from my yard.

So I decided to make a larger sign. A 3 foot by 5 foot sign made of a cement fiber board.

On December 14, 2006, four punks conspired and decided they didn’t like my right to free speech and decided to trespass on my posted property and tear down my sign. One is said to have stated, "every time he had to drive by it killed him inside."

The call came into the police department and the officer on duty being a Grassfire member herself, whom I had also filed the first report with as well, She knew exactly what sign had been stolen, rushed out of the station without her gear just in time to see the perpetrators driving by. She then jumped into her squad car radioing ahead to the next town. She caught them before they got that far.

She even brought our sign back to us in her squad car. In pieces, but back.

We temporarily placed another sign in the place of our Stop The Invasion ( Grassfire.org) sign, this sign reads "More Americans are murdered every year by illegal aliens then soldiers killed in Iraq to date." We decided not to repaint a new sign. The reason for this is while these punks conspired to threaten, intimidate and oppress freedom of speech and expression, we wanted to piece together the old sign reminding us of why we put the sign up to begin with, Let Liberty be seen!

The law pertaining to these actions of people like this reads as follows:

The Broken Sign

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