Re: Gilbert Cavanaugh’s AG Keith Ellison and Rep. Ilhan Omar: Minnesota Muslims Exploiting Suicidal Scandinavians
From: Simon Krejsa
Actually, Germans far outnumber Scandinavians in Minnesota — as well as Norwegians outnumbering Swedes by almost 2-1 — and they're even more suicidal, guilt-addled, ethno-masochistic, and self-loathing for reasons too obvious to mention much less belabor. Such emotions are a form of insanity and I don’t know what’s more insane and suicidal: welcoming an invasion of Somalis, black Muslims with an average IQ of 67, myriads of them and soon to exceed 100 thousand, or the election of Hakim Muhammad, AKA Keith Ellison, as Attorney General.
Imagine: a virulently anti-American, white-hating black Muslim who has been accused, credibly, of brutalizing an ex-lover is now the AG of Minnesota. Once in power, I predict that Hakim M. will succeed in bullying the authorities into dismissing all charges against Mohamed Noor, the affirmative-action Somali cop who shot and killed Justine Damond in July of 2017 and is scheduled to be tried for murder and manslaughter, finally, in April 2019.
No one knows what else he’ll do to ruin the state and, hopefully, harm the lives of many of the idiots who voted for him because of guilt and masochism and self-loathing, and also a sense of virtue and moral superiority over the "racists" and "Islamophobes" who voted for his Republican opponent.
See Simon Krejsa’s articles for VDARE.com.