A Reader Reports Victory for Local Enforcement of Immigration Laws in Maryland
[Previous Letter: A Reader Objects To America Becoming A Colony Of Mexico]
From: Paul Mendez Email him
A federal judge has thrown out a $1 million discrimination lawsuit filed by Salvadoran native Roxana Orellana Santos against Frederick County (MD) Sheriff Chuck Jenkins, two deputies and the Board of County Commissioners. See Judge dismisses lawsuit against sheriff, county | Salvadoran woman sought $1 million, Frederick News-Post Online, February 8, 2012
Paul Mendez is active in Help Save Maryland, an organization dedicating to exposing illegal alien corruption in his state. His previous letters are here.
By James Fulford writes: I assumed that the woman suing was either a legal immigrant who’d had a fit of the vapors at being asked to prove it. But no, she was actually not only illegal, but “wanted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement on a deportation warrant,” and is still in America, thanks to the Obama Administrative Amnesty.