A Reader Reveals (Inadvertently) The Motive For Immigration Enthusiasm

By VDARE.com Reader


01/06/07 — A Reader Announces A National Association of Former Border Patrol Agents Forming To Fight Amnesty

From: Chell G [email]

Re: "Is Immigration a Problem? Are the Minute Men the Answer?"

Peter Brimelow wrote:

"The second part of the solution is that the American people should be asked — they should be asked what they want. Do they want 500 million people living here in 2050?

"Because up to now, they've not been asked."

Comment: Oh yes, they have been. Randy Graf asked in AZ 8, JD Hayworth asked in AZ 2, Rick Santorum asked it in PA … and the answer was a resounding yes on November 7, 2006.

"This is all nearer than you may think. You know, the last time there was a Great Wave of immigration like this, it really took thirty years of argument to resolve the question. The Immigration Restriction League was founded in 1894, and the restrictions came in 1924. The best known immigration reform organization right now, FAIR, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, was founded in 1980. So, I expect that we'll have this problem pretty well solved by about 2010."

Comment: Dream on. At that time the white people were a majority. Blacks did not have the right to vote … no longer the case.

"It just takes longer that you think to solve these problems, but it does happen."

Comment: When whites are 95% of the voting population. So dream on, unless you plan on implementing Jim Crow.

"And actually, we were very close to a major solution in the 1990s when my book was published. At that time, the Jordan Commission, which was headed by a black congresswoman by the name of Barbara Jordan, had made a series of recommendations which would have radically reduced immigration. And President Clinton endorsed it. The Clintons have always been very sensitive to immigration. It took a great deal of lobbying and lying by special interest groups, ethnic groups and so on, to stop that bill — the Smith-Simpson bill, which embodied the Jordan commission’s recommendations. "

Comment: Barbara "brain dead" Jordan … who wanted to keep white oppressors in the majority…no wonder she died soon after that. Clinton is a politician. Smith and Simpson are morons who have no understanding of the global economy.

"We were very close to getting significant reforms then. And I believe it will quickly mushroom now, given a couple of good elections."

Comments: Dream on!! If only the southern white trash vote, perhaps (perhaps with the educated rednecks of Tancredo’s district in Colorado)

By Peter Brimelow comments: Putting aside the silly debating points, this letter is useful in that it reveals the blind anti-white animus that underlies so much immigration enthusiasm.

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