A Reader says Boycott the Arizona 60!

By VDARE.com Reader


04/03/11 — An Iowa Reader Reports That A Muslim Youth Camp May Still Be Built Near Sioux City

Re: Washington Watcher’s article Defeat of Arizona Patriotic Immigration Reform Package Calls for Vigilance — Not Pessimism

From "Grey Stalwart"

Washington Watcher wrote "[T]he CEOs of 60 Arizona businesses sent an open letter to State Senate President and SB 1070 sponsor Russell Pearce stating 'we strongly believe it is unwise for the Legislature to pass any additional immigration legislation, including any measures leaving the determination of citizenship to the state.'"

We have voting power and economic power. The Open Borders advocates have only the latter and threaten us with it in practice and theory. The "60" have given us a rare, defined target. Boycott the "60" and tell them why. Give Raul Grijalva the boycott he wanted.

The end of the letter is disingenuous, saying that they would push for federal restrictions that the Chamber of Commerce has fought tooth and toenail to stop. Contact the "60" in a year and ask how their efforts have gone.

By James Fulford writes: A boycott is probably a good idea, and it’s already being tried by the pro-invasion faction, who are boycotting the whole state.

Robert Delgado, of the Hensley Beverage Company is one of the signers, and as the leftish ColorLines blog points out: "Hensley was one of the targets of the boycott that immigrant rights organizations called for in the wake of SB 1070. An economic impact analysis released by the liberal think tank Center for American Progress last year found that boycotts cost the state $140 million in lost convention business alone."

Even if true, of course, this is chickenfeed by comparison with the costs of immigration — and it’s being borne by an industry that relies heavily on illegal labor.

AZ State Senator Russell Pearce, responding to the open letter, said

"Much has been made of an open letter that 60 chief executive officers of Arizona businesses sent me, urging the Legislature not to 'pass any additional immigration legislation.' They focused on the supposed negative effects of a boycott of Arizona. But it is not unreasonable to suspect that a desire for cheap labor was also a factor."

I haven’t included all the email addresses findable, but there are more here.

These are the signers of the CEOs on Immigration Letter, Phoenix Chamber of Commerce (Email the President of the Phoenix Chamber, Todd Sanders)]

Other names authorized, but where signatures were not available at the time of printing.

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