
A Reader Says Sierra’s Pope Knows Immigration Has Environmental Consequences — He Just Wants To Evade Them

By VDARE.com Reader


January 26, 2004

An Openly Gay, Closeted Conservative Reader Notes A Report Vindicating Pim Fortuyn

From: Linda Thom [email her]

Re: Save The Sierra Club From The Treason Lobby — Act Now!

I thought VDARE.com readers might be interested in knowing a bit more about the Sierra Club and the motives of executive director Carl Pope. I have copies of original correspondence because I was on the board of a non-profit that works toward immigration reduction.

In 1997, the Los Angeles Times quoted Carl Pope as saying immigration "is not really an environmental issue." The executive director for a group supporting population stabilization wrote a letter to Mr. Pope about the quote and received the following reply:

"I was misquoted in the Los Angeles Times. Immigration clearly does have environmental consequences. What I actually said was that the passions which have made immigration such a polarizing issue in American society are not, largely, environmental — they are economic and ethnic. This means that when an environmental group tries to sort out a position on immigration, it has been the experience of the Sierra Club that we get dragged into a number of very emotional issues which are not environmental."

So there it is. Mr. Pope admits: "Immigration clearly does have environmental consequences."

But he wants to avoid talking about immigration — because it’s a polarizing issue.

Have you noticed the Sierra Club avoiding other polarizing issues?

And never mind that over-population is the ultimate environmental hazard.

What’s more important to the Sierra Club staff — a healthy environment or big liberal donations?

You be the judge.

Then join and vote for a more enlightened board!

VDARE.com articles by Linda H. Thom: The U.S. Government Is Electing A New People; In Memoriam: Garrett And Jane Hardin

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