
A Reader Says That The Denver Public School System Plans To Hire DACA Illegals As TEACHERS — Whether They’re Qualified As Not

By Reader


From: A Connecticut Reader

I already knew that Latinos were favored over whites in hiring in education. I know two women, one in 20s, the other in her early 40s, who went to the University together and graduated with honors in the Education program. They also have 6-figure debt from that education.

Well, nearly two years after graduation, they both are "substitute" teaching, making less than Starbucks baristas and without any benefits. Yet their fellow students who were Latino and who were sub-standard, are all full-time teachers.

While subbing at high schools, they tell me that the Latino students who are slated to go to University were crowing about how they have a full Four Year scholarships to the University to major in Education.

These same students have their hands held when filling out forms for scholarships, etcetera, by wealthy white female volunteers.

Now these two women friends of mine have to compete not just with legal Latinos with freebie degrees but with illegals who are not even teachers but who while teaching, can take a one-year course to become licensed teachers, this is insanity and if it doesn’t tell you that America is truly an anti-White, Minority Occupation Government then I wonder what it will take.

Denver Public Schools to hire previously undocumented immigrants

By Nelson Garcia, KUSA, April 11, 2014

In August, he started at the Denver Center for International Studies at Ford Elementary School as part of effort by Denver Public Schools administrators to be the first school district in the nation to actively seek out teachers people who were initially brought to the United States illegally.

"These young men and women bring extraordinary talent to our classroom," Tom Boasberg, DPS superintendent, said. "We have many, many kids whose stories are like Alejandro’s."

DPS is working with Teach for America to bring in people with an official status of "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals" as determined by the federal government. Part of the requirements for DACA status is that a person must have been brought to the United States under the age of 16 and have a clean criminal record. Even with DACA status, they are still not recognized as legal citizens, but they are allowed to work.”[ More]

By James Fulford writes: The story keeps referring to them as “former illegals”, or people who were “initially brought to the United States illegally” — they’re still illegal. It’s just that the Obama Regime has publicly declared that the fix is in, and Obama refuses to deport them.

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