A Reader Suggests A Saint For VDARE.com

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: Peter Brimelow’s blog item Happy Michaelmas! (and Rosh Hashanah, of course!)

From: Ronald Kyser

Peter Brimelow’s Sept. 29th and Oct. 7th reflections on religious feasts leads one to wonder if VDARE.com and the immigration control movement might have their own saint to inspire them. Saint Michael is the patron of security forces in general, and St. Matthew of customs agents in particular, but there doesn’t seem to be a saint for immigration control.

A worthy candidate might be St. Marinus the Deacon. Benjamin Franklin once offered us "a republic, if you can keep it". He'd be impressed that the Most Serene Republic founded by Marinus is going strong in its eighteenth century of independence — and that border control seems to be a factor in this.

Though there is no patronage for republics nor for immigration patriots, Marinus is an officially recognized patron of a group VDARE.com readers can easily identify with: that of the falsely accused!

This past September Marinus served as poster prelate on one of J. S. Paluch’s calendars, which inspired me to "tour" the naturalization policies of Europe’s "microstates". All of which, by necessity, are as tight as San Marino’s. Check them out.

San Marino (patron: Marinus the Deacon, Sept. 3)

"Although there is a free flow of people in and out of San Marino, it is extremely difficult to acquire citizenship. A person can become a citizen only by being born in the republic, and only if both parents are citizens; or by marrying a Sammarinese. Citizenship through naturalization is rare. As a consequence, San Marino has a population that is still almost exclusively native Sammarinese."[ Jiffynotes.com]

"In August 1999, San Marino introduced a new law requiring that all female domestic staff be over fifty years of age. This anti-gold digger law was designed to prevent young women from frivolously acquiring San Marino citizenship by marrying rich elderly men."

Secrets of the seven smallest states of Europe, By Thomas Eccardt, p. 65

Liechtenstein (patron: Lucius of Chur, Dec. 3):

"Foreign citizens who have resided in Liechtenstein for a long time may submit an application for Liechtenstein citizenship. Applications have to be submitted to the community of the place of residence and the citizens of this community must decide by ballot on the granting of the right of citizenship. Subject to approval by the Parliament, the Prince then grants the right of national citizenship."[Liechtenstein official brochure PDF]

Andorra (patroness: Our Lady of Meritxell, Sept. 8)

"The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance criticized Andorra in 2003 for its restrictive naturalization criteria. Even though a majority of those living in Andorra are noncitizens, a person can become a citizen only by marrying a resident Andorran or by residing in the country for more than 25 years. Prospective citizens are also required to learn Catalan, the national language."

UNHCR | Refworld | Freedom in the World 2008 — Andorra

Monaco (patroness: Devota, Jan. 27)

"The person who wishes to acquire Monégasque nationality must prove … that he has resided ten years in the Principality after reaching the age of twenty one; this residence must be unbroken and in effect at the moment the request for naturalization is made and not be mere residence at an earlier period.

" … exempted from fulfilling the condition requiring ten years residence: a foreigner whom the Prince judges worthy of this favor … The request must be addressed, on stamped paper, directly to the Prince.

"Naturalization is granted by sovereign ordinance. Decisions rejecting or deferring the request are not subject to appeal; the request may always be rejected, even if the person making the request satisfies the conditions laid down, as these latter merely confer the right to make the request for naturalization."

Monegasque Citizenship, Consulate General of Monaco, New York

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