A Reader Suggests Spreading The Word Of Guzzardi On Baseball; We Say How

By VDARE.com Reader


June 20, 2005

Michael Jackson Jury Speaking Mexican!

From: James Cantrell

Joe Guzzardi’s column "Playing Baseball: A Job Americans Won’t Do?" is one of the most important articles ever written on the unintended negative consequences of mass immigration from the Third World.

The article needs to be presented to all college baseball teams, many of whose better players will have no shot to play minor league baseball because owners prefer to use and then toss away a host of Third Worlders.

Not only do we get stiffed by having to pay the bills for welfare and public schools and free medical care and police protection, but we also pay because many of us are denied opportunities.

This, of course, is true of the problems immigration poses in all areas of work. But the reason I think this article is so important is that the specific subject, sports (America’s National Pastime: baseball), will cause many who have never before paid any attention to articles opposing mass immigration to take some notice.

If people begin to see the problems caused by rounding up Third Worlders to play baseball, and also see who pays the increasingly large bills run up in society, then they might also begin to see how bringing in immigrants to be college professors or to attend medical school or to take computer programming jobs or to be nurses is costly and does great harm to the future of the American middle class — at least to that part of it that does not have the safety net of racial preference that is Affirmative Action.

VDARE.com responds: This was indeed one of Joe’s finest columns, and has drawn a gratifyingly large response.

James Cantrell is right: the thesis deserves publicity. We are not holding our breath on the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times, however. (Although, on recent form, unacknowledged appearances of the topic on Lou Dobbs and WorldNet Daily are now quite likely.)

But we know from our traffic data that many sports teams and colleges maintain web sites with bulletin boards allowing far-ranging discussions. We urge our readers to post this item on any to which they have access. Please try to use the article’s URL /articles/playing-baseball-a-job-americans-wont-do

How shall they hear without a preacher? — Romans 10.

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