A Reader Thanks VDARE.com For Helping Save Her Town

By VDARE.com Reader


November 03, 2003

A Reader Remembers Roy Rogers, Bud Billiken, And The Cowboy Code

From: Daytona Jarman

I felt compelled to write you. You see, our small community (12,500) of Cayce, South Carolina has been in a battle for its life. We had been selected by a Resettlement Agency (Lutheran Family Services of the Carolinas/LIRS sub unit) [Send them email] to be a dumping ground for 120 Somali Bantu refugees. We have fought tooth and nail to stop this resettlement and we finally won. [Cayce will not get Bantus; lack of local support cited | State Department will re-examine plans for Columbia settlement, By Monique Angle, Oct. 08, 2003, The State, Columbia, SC]

I would like to personally thank www.VDARE.com for helping us by being there with information.

We would not have known enough about what we were up against if it hadn’t been for VDARE. Everything that you have published has come true. We have been labeled racists, anti-Christian, xenophobic, etc. The media eats this stuff up with a spoon. They have always sided with the resettlement agency against our community.

But we fought back and have won. It also helped that one of the main advocates for the resettlement was an arrogant idiot. He currently is fighting to keep his 120 Bantu "paychecks" still coming to him. The State Department is reviewing the entire project.

Columbia, S.C. is allegedly welcoming all of the Somalis with open arms. Since they are a city with a population of 118,000, 120 people may not seem too much of a burden for them.

What they are in for, they do not know. I’m sure someone will be cashing in on the Bantus some way, also.

This whole thing is about money and greed.

Thank you again!

Peter Brimelow responds: You're welcome! This, of course, is why VDARE.com came into existence.

The role of the internet is all the more vital because the story of Cayce is, once again, a story of the betrayal of a community by its local media. Take this hit job on one of the Cayce officials who resisted:

"With a kind face and grandfatherly tone, Cayce City Co-Manager John Sharpe is a study in civility and charm. He doesn’t seem the type to call someone 'primitive.' But that is precisely the term he uses to describe 120 Somali Bantu exiles scheduled to be resettled in Cayce beginning in August." ["Not in My Town," By David Axe Columbia Free Times, July 16, 2003]

Primitive? A VDARE.com reader sent us this quote from one of the most prominent advocates of importing the Somali Bantu into the U.S.:

"'Do not assume they can open a door just because it has a doorknob,' [refugee bureaucrat Sasha] Chanoff said."

For more inadvertent enlightenment from Chanoff ("Many of these Bantus have never seen a two-story building, let alone electricity, a paved road, or anything that relates to a modern city"), click here.

It’s not as if the problems of importing unassimilable refugees are not obvious. Compare these two stories. The first was occasioned by the murder of an aid worker in Africa:

"One question we should ask in the aftermath of Dr Tonelli’s murder is: why are there so many mentally disturbed people walking on the streets of all our towns? We have as yet no statistics on the extent of the problem, but it is undeniably prevalent. Whether you live in Berbera, Hargeisa, Burao or Borama, you come across them every day. In fact you live in fear of them. They are mainly men, many of them in the prime of life, and often armed with knives, swords or heavy rocks. [VDARE.com emphasis] Rakiya A. Omaar in the Somaliland Times, Oct 19, 2003

The second was occasioned by the shooting of a Somali in America:

"[Minneapolis Police Chief Robert] Olson said he particularly wants more Somalis to join the Police Department, adding that their presence would 'help diversify the force' further. Currently, there are no Somali police officers in Minneapolis.

"[Professional Somali leader Omar] Jamal said the meeting followed several discussions with Olson since the death of Abu Kassim Jeilani, 28, who was killed March 10 near E. Franklin Av. and Chicago Av. S. Police confronted him after he was seen walking on Franklin carrying a machete and a crowbar. He had been hospitalized recently for mental illness. [VDARE.com emphasis] Minneapolis police, Somalis seek truce, Terry Collins, Minneapolis Star Tribune, Mar 21, 2002

It is at least possible that Abu Kassim Jeilani would still be alive if the U.S. had chosen to aid him in his native continent. (Plus, of course, some native-born Americans would be eligible for the police jobs that Chief Olson is now earmarking for immigrants.) As VDARE.com has noted before, by bringing refugees here, the U.S. does no favors to them or to itself.

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