A Reader Thinks McCain, "Fired Up" By Betraying Fellow Republicans, Should Be Fired, Instead

By VDARE.com Reader


Re: McCain: Arizona GOP censure fires me up, UPI, January 28, 2014

From: Henry McCulloch

John McCain reacts to censure from his party by saying it "fires him up." Neither to do better, nor to represent those of his constituents who might actually vote for him. Quite the contrary. McCain gives the impression of wanting to run for another U.S. Senate term (he was first elected to the Senate in 1986 and was in the House before that; what was it Oliver Cromwell said to the Long Parliament? Might apply to McAmnesty …) simply to spite Arizona Republicans who think his Senate record is, to quote their censure, "disastrous and harmful."

McCain, not usually a serene fellow, seems quite serene that his machine and his supporters' money — Sheldon Adelson among them? — will waft him safely over any brickbats from the little people.

And that reminds me of another pithy political quote, this time from Talleyrand, who said of the Bourbons that "Ils n'ont rien appris, ni rien oubliĆ©" (They have learnt nothing, and forgotten nothing). Let’s pray that Charles Schumer’s best pal in the Senate, and formerly Ted Kennedy’s, gets a comeuppance in his dotage in the next Arizona GOP primary.

James Fulford writes: For those readers were absent the day they covered what the Lord Protector told the Long Parliament, it contains a lot of good strong verbal abuse, much of which applies to McCain and his friends and ends, famously, with “In the name of God, go!” [Oliver Cromwell MP’s speech on the dissolution of the Rump of the Long Parliament, given to the House of Commons, 20 April 1653.]

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