A Reader Warns Of A Lame Duck Stealth Amnesty
The (Zip) Code Of The Tarantoad
From: "VDARE.com Addict"
In the campaign commercial immersion of the past few weeks, we learned that all the candidates were opposed to terrorism and that they favored health, education and Social Security.
However, in the English-language media there apparently were no campaign commercials supporting a cornerstone of the Bush-Fox agenda — an amnesty for illegal aliens who have arrived since the last amnesty.
Opponents of mass immigration should be very concerned about the upcoming lame duck session of Congress. Lame duck sessions historically have been used to approve Congressional pay raises and to feather the nests of retiring members. They also provide an opportunity to pass unpopular legislation not mentioned during the campaign, since retiring members can take responsibility.
This year’s lame duck session is no exception. The issues officially on the agenda, including legislation to create a costly, duplicative and unnecessary Department of Homeland Security, would be dealt with at least as favorably (to the Administration) next year by the newly-elected Republican majorities. And this is a Congress that has already shown itself insensitive to subtle constitutional scruples.
So don’t be surprised if amnesty for illegal aliens passes in an unrecorded voice vote at 3 a.m. on Christmas Eve.
November 06, 2002