A Representative Of The Sport Of Kings Supports Immigration; Peter Brimelow Says Neigh
October 27, 2003
A Reader Asks, Standing Athwart History?
Your (publication) sounds a lot like maybe you're competing with the Neo-Nazis for the title of post year-2000 Hitler [VDARE.com NOTE: Dear us — even after we called Hitler the "worst immigrant in history?"] — All this we and they, send "them" all back to Mexico mentality.
I personally work at a thoroughbred horse farm — we've had MAYBE three people show up in the last 4 years who have been American, and only one of those (a white male) made it past lunch on the first day. No one else was willing to do the work — and work hard enough at it (7 days one week — 6 days the next.)
Working with crazy thoroughbreds is a dangerous vocation, one that requires skill and discipline and patience.
And I am proud these men and women have come to work with us here, but maybe our world is a little larger than the box in which you reside.
You look down your nose — scoff at the difference in culture — but do you even stop to calculate how much $ is left in Social Security and taken out in taxes that will never go back to the individual (Latinos who do not have a valid Social Security number yet must have taxes taken out anyway.)
Probably not, you are too busy congratulating yourself on being a "bonafide" American.
Oh but wait, did you say you were Sioux or Cherokee — or any of the other over 300 tribes of Native American?
No? Oh yes, your grandparents were some of those pesky immigrants, shame on them for trying to make life better, they should have known their place, right?
Peter Brimelow neighs: I am always on the lookout for hoax letters, but only a genuine immigration enthusiast loony would risk three discredited clichés — Nazis, Social Security, Indians — in the same diatribe.
So we’re left with an extraordinary argument: immigration is a good thing because it allows the thoroughbred race industry, so notoriously a rich man’s plaything that it’s nicknamed the Sport of Kings, to force stable boys to work thirteen out of every fourteen days.
If this is an argument for immigration, do we need arguments against?