A SC GOP Activist Says Party Is Wise To Sen. Graham
12/02/09 — A WA State Reader Distrusts Palin On Immigration
From: John Bass
Re: Today’s Letter: A South Carolina Reader Says Lindsey Graham Vies With John McCain As The Republicans Biggest Traitor
Letter writer Erskine Thomason will be happy to learn that South Carolina Republicans are waking up to the disaster that is Graham.
The Charleston County Republican Party’s executive committee took the unusual step last month to censure Graham for stepping across the traditional GOP party line.
County Chairwoman Lin Bennett said the unanimous vote "is an effort to get his attention. [Party leaders] are just fed up, and they want him to know they're fed up." [Charleston GOP Censures Graham, The States, November 11, 2009]
Among other its other complaints against Graham, the resolution mentions his support for the $787 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program and the time he called some opponents of immigration reform "bigots."
Bass, who describes himself as a lifelong Republican activist, pledges never to vote for Graham again.