A Southern Reader Calls Out North Carolina Treason Lobby Tool Thom Tillis

By Mike Scruggs


From: Mike Scruggs

John McCain and the Koch brothers’ financing of Thom Tillis’s US Senate campaign ought to remove all doubt of where Tillis will stand on amnesty and the immigration surge bill, S.744.

Of course, it will be another case of saying amnesty is not really amnesty, etc.

In 2013, Tillis strongly backed North Carolina house bill H786, which initially included a provision to give NC Drivers permits to Illegal immigrant workers. That part of the bill was too much for most of the Republicans in the legislature, but Tillis did manage to keep in a provision that made a huge hole in the state’s E-Verify law, exempting seasonal workers from E-Verify for 9 months. You could park the whole Iranian Army in NC in 9 months.

But his TV ads tout what a great conservative he is. More accurately, he is a professional special interest politician, who generally supports whatever big business and big ag want. He also supports pro-life, pro-gun, and other issues, but in my opinion, out of political expediency rather than conviction.

Tillis is the furthest to the left of all eight Republican Senate candidates. Of the top 5, he actually runs weakest against Kay Hagan.

See below from Raleigh News and Observer.

JOHN McCAIN DONATES TO THOM TILLIS, WHO KEEPS FUNDRAISING EDGE: Political action committees representing U.S. Sen. John McCain and the Koch Brothers helped Republican Thom Tillis to a 3-1 fundraising edge over his GOP rivals heading into the final month of their U.S. Senate campaign.

Donations from McCain’s “Country First” PAC and the Koch Industries PAC contributed to Tillis’ total fundraising of $3.1 million, according to a report posted Thursday by the Federal Election Commission.

Reports also show that Republican Greg Brannon, a Cary physician, tapped a national fundraising base in raising a total of nearly $1.1 million. And Mark Harris, a Charlotte pastor, has raised $803,000. He had twice as much cash on hand as Brannon at the end of March.

Heather Grant, a Wilkesboro nurse who took part in this week’s debates, raised a total of $16,540 with the help of a $12,000 loan. None of the other four GOP candidates reported raising any money.

Morning Memo: Two super PACs supporting Tillis join forces, Posted by John Frank on April 25, 2014

Mike Scruggs, author of Lessons from the Vietnam War: Truths the Media Never Told You, has written articles and letters for VDARE.com.

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